Join us in 2024 celebrating the Eternal Quran 100 year anniversary of the moment scholars finished completing the current* Arabic manuscript!
Little did that group of scholars realise in 1924 how great their humble new Arabic language text would impact the globe once the Saudi’s authorised it as the eternal unchanged Arabic words of Allah written on the tablets in paradise. Muslims around the globe would once again be rightly guided to conquer the infidel, the kaffir, and even the entire unsuspecting western world!
So we’re planning a year of global (thanks to modern technology) celebrations! We won’t have the wine or the virgins from paradise, but it’ll certainly be a year of fun celebrations that will be remembered for a lifetime!! There will be a bonfire or two throughout the year where we’ll even roast the descendants of Aisha’s tame sheep!
We’ll travel back in history to the creation of Quran, and even the Arabic language itself! The current Saudi certified official unchanged eternal Quran has resisted 100 years of scholarly calls for correcting its errors, this is no mean feat of resistance! In celebration of those brave academics 100 years ago we’ll have lots of academic downloads so you can learn what the academics keep hidden about the magic of the glorious eternal Quran!!
You’ll learn about the Eternal Word of God from Quran who the Hadiths claim is in heaven now with God! There won’t be any holes in this narrative! You too can be a part of these Quran 100 celebrations, and be first to be notified of the free downloads and events available! You can download and read the Quran – Pickthall here. It’s in English though, so not the real Quran in heaven, but you’ll get an idea of what’s to come.
You too can be a part of these Quran 100 celebrations, and be first to be notified of the free downloads and events available! So invite your friends, it’ll be a blast!
And now, in 2024, for the first time ever, a TRANSLATION of the Arabic text has been made!
We have purchased this, read and compared this with the others, and it’s well worth while!
Linked below are some easily available useful sources of information, each revealing how 14 centuries of myth have been constructed into Islam as we know it today. Education defeats Islamic ideology.
First, the Islamic sources can be downloaded form here:
The three basic responses are (click links to download a .pdf):
1905: St Clair Tisdall – The Original Sources of the Quran It was this work that prompted the 1924 academic Egyptian revision that created the eternal unchanged word of their deity that we have today (after several more academic revisions)
2000: The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran A Contribution to the Decoding of the Language of the Koran
2013: Koranic Allusions The Biblical, Qumranian, and Pre-Islamic Background to the Koran
Check out the blog here.
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We may even require hosts in your region if you’d like to participate!
You can contribute to the celebrations via a paypal donation to:
*It was current in 1924, and there have been changes to the Arabic script over the last century, most recently by the Saudis, but today’s Muslims can still insist it’s the eternal unchanged words of Allah because their imams tell them it’s true.